Saturday, November 28, 2009

Heads up - Tentative plans for FTC on Dec 18th

------   FIRST Tech Challenge Teams  ------

Friday, Dec 18th is the last day of school before Winter Break.   After students finish their last final that morning, we hope they will be ready to focus on some Robotics fun!    Details are being finalized and approval for the facility must be verified, but mark your calendars now.  

Tentative schedule
1:30 - 7:00  Robot building/programming & practice on the HotShot! field
7:00 - 9:00  Internal competition  (max of 9 teams if all have working bot)
9:00-10:00  Clean-up

We're looking into having food available to pre-order for lunch and dinner.  More details to follow.

Parents - Plan now to come watch the competition.  

1 comment:

  1. 12/16 Our new parts are in! Now, everyone has a lot to do this Friday from 1:30 - 7:30. The goal is to have every team driving a base robot (minimum) around on the field. By showing your robot moving, I know you have downloaded the competition software and have most all your electronics parts working.

    Parents planning on helping out when we sponsor our own qualifier on Jan 16th, will benefit from setting up the field and insuring our robots interface with the field control software.

    Let's make this our most productive day so far as we prepare for competition. See you Friday.

    Dr. Chuck Lockert
