Saturday, January 30, 2010

RoboWarriors FTC Results

Four GSMST Teams competed today at the RoboWarriors Qualifier. 

Two of our teams received awards!
Team 3812 -- Innovate Award

Team 2981 -- Think Award

2 GSMST teams were drawn in the lottery and so receive an invitation to the GA state tournamant on Feb 20th!
2981 & 2993

Three of our teams competed in the semi-finals and 2993 made it to the finals.  All teams gained valuable experience!

Ranking at the end of the qualifying rounds:
1- 3812
2- 1848
3- 3742
4- 2993
5- 3753
6- 3741
7- 2981
8- 3611
9- 3809
10 - 22
11 - 3820
12 - 525

3812 &  2981 vs  2993 & 3741  won by 2993 & 3741
1848 & 22 vs 3742 & 3809  won by 1848 & 22

2993 & 3741 vs 1848 & 22  won by 1848 & 22

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